The Science and Psychology of True Wealth

How to keep the American Dream Alive in Challenging Times

January 20th, 2024

Do you feel you deserve more than you currently have and experience?

Do you ever feel frustrated—possibly even fearful—that the world seems too crazy right now for you to succeed? Have you ever felt like the economy and disruption makes it nearly impossible to move forward?


If you’ve ever thought or felt any of these things, then you’re not alone.

Let’s face it, there’s no arguing that we live in difficult times.

And yet, regardless of how it may often appear, the universe is not chaotic. It’s very orderly. 

Both modern science, as well as ancient teachings, tell us that everything happens in a very orderly fashion in our world.

Believe me, I know from experience.

If you know anything about my story, then you know this is true. I went from the pinnacle to the pit and back again; and I know both extremes intimately well.

I went from over a $20M dollar net worth to $20M in debt…

From Beverly Hills to prison to homeless…

From the peak of health and fitness to emaciated and broken…

From loved by the media and millions of people, from 147 countries around the world, to hated and attacked…

What do you do when you’re going through hell?

You keep going!

You apply universal laws and principles that must work and must succeed.

The fact is that sometimes you have to go through hell to get to heaven.

The fact is there is both a science and a psychology to creating true wealth.

When you understand how to use both science and psychology you win. 

When you don’t, you lose.

Today the debt is fully retired, I’m no longer homeless and alone, I’m married to the most amazing woman on the planet, and we have a lovely home in Henderson, Nevada.

I’m back doing what I love—helping you and others be independent thinkers. Helping you think for yourself; and to create true wealth in all areas of your life.

Truth wealth is more than just money. Much more.

Let me ask you: What good is buckets of money if you aren’t happy and fulfilled?

Truth wealth comes in 5 distinct areas of your life: Financial, Relational, Mental, Physical and Spiritual. When all 5 are in harmony you’re truly wealthy and fulfilled.

Not “in balance” by the way. 

The concept of balance is a lie at worst, or faulty logic at best, that’s been propagated by the traditional personal development system.

Harmony is different. Much different.

Here’s where you need to be an independent thinker and think for yourself.

Thank God I studied universal principles as well as cutting edge science for multiple years prior to my crash and burn.

Once again, when you understand these laws and principles—you win. If you don’t—you lose.

The solution is just that simple and straightforward.

Irrespective of the economy…

There are plenty of examples of people who succeed massively in “down” or “tough” economies.

Irrespective of who’s in office…

There are people who are happy and fulfilled regardless of what party is in charge of the country.

Irrespective of your education…

There are people who are wealthy with college degrees, and plenty who are wealthy without college degrees. 

In fact, there are individuals with PhD’s who feel absolutely miserable.

And before you think success and wealth are only measured by monetary measures—back up for a minute. Remember we referenced 5 key areas: Financial, Relational, Mental, Physical and Spiritual.

What good is a load of money if you can’t (and don’t) enjoy your life?

I’ve worked with countless multimillionaires as well as billionaires; and I can promise you that some of the most miserable people I’ve ever met and worked with have loads of money.

Life is meant to be fulfilling and complete in all areas; and I promise, God didn’t send you, or me, here to struggle.

Life is not meant to be a struggle.

Check in with your feelings right now…

There’s a seed of truth inside each of us, and when we hear the truth, it resonates with the corresponding seed of truth within.

So, if this is hitting home and ringing true for you, then this opportunity is meant for you.

Right here. Right now.

And we’d love to help you understand how you’ve unconsciously sold yourself short, how you’ve possibly bought into countless lies about how life should be, how you’re possibly working against God plan and/or Universal Laws, and more importantly how to take your power back.

We have a brand-new experience that’s a full 8-hour highly experiential day January 20, 2024 live on Zoom from 9AM to 5PM PST. It’s entitled: The Science and Psychology of True Wealth How to Keep the American Dream Alive in Challenging Times


Come join us and guarantee that your next year will be your happiest, most fulfilling, wealthy and successful year ever!



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